Saturday, January 5, 2013

New Horizons

So I'm still pretty new to Teachers Pay Teachers and Teacher's Notebook...I only started in mid August of 2012. I had a pretty successful 2 quarters and am very excited for what 2013 will bring. I decided to venture off and explore new ways to promote my work. I am a big fan and user of both Facebook and Pinterest, so I looked at what they could offer for a small business. After much work setting them up, I am now the proud owner of my own "Mrs. Chunco's Class" facebook and pinterest page. If anyone does follow or check my blog, you may have noticed that I've changed my name from "Sizzling in Second" to "Mrs. Chunco's Class". I decided that I would go generic and not strictly 2nd grade just in case changes take place...ya never know! Anyways please check out my new pages and become a fan!

Also check out the new Teacher's Notebook Promo in the top left side of this blog! All teachers and TN members can enter to win a tablet of choice. You must be a teacher to enter and can enter only once a day. If you are a winner and found the link on this blog, I could win too! Start entering now because the contest ends January 31st! Happy entering!

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