Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to School

Where has the summer gone? I think it flew right past me! I have been so busy this summer getting moved into my first home, taking workshops, and doing classes for my Masters +45 that I never got out of the "work" mode. Ugh! This year I'm a bit more anxious than normal since we will be implementing common core in full force, and starting a brand new reading series. It is making my head spin just a little! I am getting pretty excited though, about meeting my new class this year and changing up my room. Everyone always says I'm nuts for changing my decor almost every year and moving furniture, but I need that change. So here are some things I'm doing in my classroom this year and for "Meet the Teacher" night!

I have decided to do my room in soothing colors- black, blues, & green. Did I mention my theme is chevron? I really can't get enough of it! My current teacher desk is just a large table that is VERY wobbly. I knew I was going to get a new desk when I moved into my new house, so my old black desk was moved into the classroom. It is still in pieces and can't wait till it gets set up next week! Here's what it looks like:
I got rid of the rocking chair that took up so much space in my classroom and replaced it with this black velvet storage stool. I love being able to store things inside!
Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a bit of a perfectionist and small things can really drive me NUTS! So on that note I had forgotten that changing my room's colors also meant having an issue with my big primary colored rug smack dab in the front of the room. Aaaahhhhh! So here is my solution...I am going to replace it with a slightly smaller rug from IKEA! It's not chevron, but it's black and white and the right price!
Here is a little sneak peak at my classroom decor pack I made for my classroom:

Since "Meet the Teacher" night is next Friday for me, I am dashing around trying to get things done and made for it. I must have gone to every dollar tree and store around, but I finally found some good bins for my kids supplies. The night they come to meet me, I have them sort their supplies into baskets so that I don't have to worry about it the 1st week of school. I just take my time putting them away bit by bit. Anyways, I made some cute labels that fit my theme and here's what I've got:

For the sign-in table I always like to have signs to point parents in the right direction. My old clear frames have seen better days. I thought I'd buy these from IKEA and use them as center signs after.

They are 4x6, so not real big, but just so cute. I made these signs to put on the tables:

That's all I have for now. I will be putting my room together this next week and can't wait to see how it will turn out. I will share pictures on "My Classroom" page, so come back soon and check it out!

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