Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

I am a bit late on this one, but I had to share. My kids had a lot of fun making these. We talked about what a resolution was and brainstormed together things we wanted to change or get better at in 2013. They colored and designed their people to look like themselves. I am surprised at how much resemblance some of them have. They wrote their resolutions and glued them to their favorite color construction paper. They assembled their person around it so it looked like they were holding it. Some wanted the party hats and others didn't. I found the template for this cute project here:
It was a fun and was a great project to do after coming back from Christmas break.

Talking about great activities to do after Christmas break, I found a few things that allowed my kids to socialize since I knew how talkative they were going to be. I used one for morning work to fill out before sharing. We numbered the questions and rolled a dice. Whatever number they rolled is the question they had to answer and share with the class. I changed it a bit to fit my class, but here is the original:

We also did the activity "Find Someone Who...". They had a time limit to ask their friends questions and find someone to write their name down that did that activity. Being able to move around and do so much talking in the morning really helped my kids to be more focused during our reading block. I didn't have to do so much redirecting because they already had the chance to socialize from the beginning! Here is the link to that activity for next year!

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